Railway Transport
R.T. Expeditious major activities are railway transportation, rail tank wagons hiring and providing, wagons repairing, vehicles fleet management.
Some of our major achievements is organization of mixed trains (from OMV and Lukoil gas wagons), logistic planning according with special agreement with railways, when wagons of both Lukoil and OMV were mixed and collected in refinery and after that, assembled as a bigger train for both empty and loaded wagons. Major advantage was that empty wagons after unloading in Mladenovac terminal may be sent again for loading soon after unloading, wagons are collected in border stations and after making enough wagons for train, complete train goes to Romania for loading or even for Arpechim, Brazi, Mida or Petrotel refinery. This system decreases transit time which is only 4 days Petrotel – Mladenovac instead 12 days before our new organization, and as a main effect, transport charges decreased for 30%.
According to special annexes with Serbian Railways, we provide yearly contracted fast traces, when wagons that are going with our transport instructions have transit time of only 1 day ( e.g.transit time from INA refinery Rijeka to Kosovo accordingly with our organization is only 3 days, while common railways shipment transit time in this time of year is aprox. 10 days).
R.T. Expeditious is also offering special logistic services for different product assortment but for similar goods, we are able to organize same logistic units (for e.g. same wagons will be used for transportation of propylene for Romania, after unloading wagons will be loaded with butane in Romania and sent back in complete fast trains to Serbia, after nitrogen treatment, same wagons may be sent again for loading of propylene. It is not necessarily to emphasize what is decrease in charges in this case (more then 50% then common).
Very good partnership relation with major Western European transport companies (e.g. DeutcheBahnSchenker ) provides possibilities for very cheep and high quality transportation services from Western Europe refineries to any SEE destination for our clients .